2024年5月8日,新加坡交通部长徐芳达回复议员林伟杰医生以及穆仁理先生有关ERP 2.0(电子道路收费系统2.0)的相关质询。
以下内容为新加坡眼根据国会英文资料翻译整理: 对ERP2.0电子收费系统推广反馈意见的回应(1) 林伟杰医生询问交通部长: (a) 是否会考虑推迟在更大范围内推广 ERP 2.0(电子道路收费系统2.0) 车载系统,以处理用户的反馈意见? (b) 如果会,交通部将如何确保采取以用户为中心的方法,既考虑到用户的关切,又避免系统全面倒退? (c) 在开发和实施与 ERP 系统有关的新技术时,将如何优先考虑用户的体验? 穆仁理 先生询问交通部长,实施ERP 2.0后,载有 CEPAS(免接触式电子钱包应用标准)或 NETS 卡的处理单元移至汽车前排乘客脚窝或其他技术上可行的位置,是否可以强制要求所有停车场运营商升级其系统,以便司机不再需要在停车场终端站刷卡? 交通部长徐芳达: 议长先生,请容许我一并回复第 7 及第 8 项质询。 议长:请说。 徐芳达:谢谢议长先生。现行的电子道路收费系统将被ERP2.0系统取而代之,该系统是基于全球导航卫星系统技术的。该系统能够运行现有ERP系统的所有功能,并具有更多的功能,以更好地管理我们道路上的交通流量,而不需要实体门架。正如我在今年早些时候交通部(MOT)供应委员会(COS)辩论中提到的,它还提供了未来按距离收费的选择,这可以一次性增加我们的车辆总数,同时控制交通拥堵。 从目前的车载装置(IU)过渡到新的车载装置(OBU)是一项重大工作,涉及许多驾驶者和各种车辆、汽车品牌和型号,包括新车和现有车辆。这一过程需要几年时间才能完成。 在开始安装工作之前,陆交局(LTA)与经销商合作,研究如何在不同的车辆上最好地安装车载装置。自2023年8月起,陆交局已分阶段开始安装工作,首先安装的是一批早期采用者,我就是其中之一。在新加坡近100万辆汽车中,约有2%或18000辆安装了车载诊断系统。其中,约 11,000 辆是车队车辆,包括巴士和公司注册车辆。 这种分阶段的方法使车间有时间让工人做好准备,并逐步增加资源。同时,这也让陆交局在向其他车辆推广之前,能够听取利益相关者的反馈意见,了解需要改进的地方。 议长先生,根据从早期采用者那里收集到的反馈意见,陆交局对ERP 2.0的功能和安装过程进行了审查和改进,以便为驾驶者提供更多的选择、便利和安全。 首先,增加选择方面。在安装车载装置之前,车主可以选择是否安装触摸屏。一些车主可能会选择安装触摸屏,而另一些车主可能更愿意使用车载显示屏或手机。我们的建议是安装触摸屏显示器,我的车就是这样安装的,但这要由车主自己选择。 车主也可以根据技术可行性选择触摸屏的安装位置,例如安装在驾驶员一侧或仪表板中间。如果车主决定不安装触摸屏显示屏,我们仍会向他提供一个显示屏单元,这样,如果他改变主意,就可以选择随后安装触摸显示屏。 同样,车主也可以决定将车载装置放置在何处。在安装的最初阶段,陆交局 只允许将处理装置安装在乘客侧。考虑到早期采用者的反馈意见,陆交局扩大了车主的选择范围,在技术可行的情况下,车主可以将处理装置安装在驾驶员一侧。服务大使还将在展厅和车间向车主解释安装车载诊断系统前的各种选择。 由于提供了更多的选择,安装过程就会变得更加复杂,维修车间也需要更多的时间来完成安装。不过,我们认为这种权衡是必要的,这样可以让车主灵活地定制自己喜欢的选项,而不是采取 “一刀切 “的做法。 第二,为用户提供更多便利。我们理解早期使用者对必须在处理装置中取出和重新插入 CEPAS(免接触式电子钱包应用标准)卡造成不便的关切。本地电讯局已与其伙伴合作,改善ERP2.0系统,让驾驶者在驾驶车辆时,无须将CEPAS卡从处理装置中取出。这是车载台的一个主要设计特点。驾驶车辆时,无需从处理装置上取下 CEPAS 卡。 例如,当驾驶员想使用免费停车券时,陆交局在触摸屏上设置了一个按钮来停用卡。他们可以按下触摸屏上的按钮。停车卡就会失效,然后他们就可以使用免费停车券离开停车场。如果驾驶者在离开停车场后忘记重新激活停车卡,当他到达下一个使用中的 ERP 门架时,仍会从卡内余额中扣除正确的金额。这与目前的车载装置(IU)不同。 如果车主从车载单元中取出停车卡使用免费停车券,但忘记重新插入停车卡(我们有时也会遇到这种情况),那么当他的车辆经过ERP(公路电子收费)龙门架时,他将无法支付ERP费用。 另一种情况是为 CEPAS 卡充值。今天,我们中的一些人可能在到达停车场龙门时才发现余额不足,于是必须想办法离开排队队伍去充值。这相当不方便。使用 OBU 后,一旦启动汽车,你的 CEPAS 卡余额就会显示出来。这有助于提醒驾驶员在到达龙门架前充值。为了更加方便,驾驶员可以注册自动充值,这样当卡内余额不足时就无需手动充值。充值将自动完成。 陆交局将派遣服务大使到车间指导希望在安装车载盒时为 CEPAS 卡自动充值的驾驶员。 第三种可能需要取消 CEPAS 卡的情况是在某些停车场,如穆仁理先生所问,这些停车场要求驾车者在停车场终点站刷卡。议长先生,现在所有公共停车场及许多私营停车场均已采用电子泊车系统,驾驶员无须在停车场终点站刷卡。不过,仍有一些私营停车场仍未采用电子泊车系统。我们欢迎 NETS 采取举措,为安装 OBU 的驾驶者免费提供一张 “一卡通”。驾驶员可在没有装电子收费系统的私营停车场使用这张额外的卡,而无须从车载装置中取出他们的 CEPAS 卡。 最后,关于加强用户安全问题。这并不是实施ERP2.0的主要原因,但新增的功能为陆交局及其合作伙伴提供了一些有助于提高用户安全的功能的机会。早期使用者与陆交局分享说,他们发现巴士专用道、乐龄安全区(Silver Zones)和学校区域的通知功能非常有用,因为这些功能提高了他们的环境感知能力并改善了道路安全。我们正在与合作伙伴合作,扩大功能清单,包括与交通警察合作,将测速摄像区的通知纳入其中,目的是通过提醒驾驶者在这些地点保持在限速范围内,从而加强道路安全。这不仅包括固定摄像头,还包括交通警察用来打击超速的闯红灯摄像头和移动摄像头。 陆交局将继续听取驾驶者的反馈意见,开发有助于提高安全和方便驾驶者的功能。这些附加功能可在车载单元安装后将通过无线方式推送给驾驶者。驾驶者无需将车辆开到维修站进行软件升级。 议长先生,向ERP2.0过渡是一项重大的工作,因为不同的车辆有不同的设计和规格。我们感谢早期采用者的反馈意见,在可行的情况下,陆交局已经采纳了这些意见,并进行了改进,以增加用户的选择、方便用户和保障用户的安全。在进行安装工作的过程中,陆交局将继续收集驾驶者、维修厂和经销商的反馈意见,以进一步提升所有驾驶者的用户体验。 以下是英文质询内容:RESPONSE TO FEEDBACK ON ROLL-OUT OF ERP 2.0 ON-BOARD UNIT FOR VEHICLES(1) 7 Dr Lim Wee Kiak asked the Minister for Transport (a) whether he will consider delaying the wider roll-out of the ERP 2.0 On-Board Unit (OBU) for cars to address users’ feedback; (b) if so, how will the Ministry ensure a user-centric approach that incorporates users’ concerns while avoiding a complete system reversal; and (c) how will users’ experiences be prioritised during the development and implementation of new technologies related to a ERP system. 8 Mr Murali Pillai asked the Minister for Transport with the implementation of ERP 2.0 which involves the relocation of the processing unit carrying CEPAS (Specification for Contactless e-Purse Application) or NETS cards to the front passenger footwells or other technically feasible positions in motor vehicles, whether it can be made mandatory for all carpark operators to upgrade their systems so that it will no longer be necessary for drivers to tap their cards at carpark terminal stations. The Minister for Transport (Mr Chee Hong Tat): Mr Speaker, may I have your permission to take Question Nos 7 and 8 together? Mr Speaker: Go ahead. Mr Chee Hong Tat: Thank you, Sir. The current Electronic Road Pricing (ERP) system will reach the end of its operational lifespan in a few years. Its replacement, ERP 2.0, is based on Global Navigation Satellite System technology. It is able to perform all the functions of the current ERP system, plus additional capabilities to better manage traffic flow on our roads, without the need for physical gantries. As I mentioned during the Ministry of Transport (MOT) Committee of Supply (COS) debate earlier this year, it also provides the option for distance-based charging in future, which could allow for a one-off increase in our total vehicle population while keeping traffic congestion in check. The transition from the current in-vehicle unit to the on-board unit (OBU) is a major exercise involving many motorists and a diverse range of vehicles, vehicle makes and models, including new and existing vehicles. The process will take a few years to complete. Before embarking on the installation exercise, the Land Transport Authority (LTA) worked with the dealers to study how the OBU could be best installed in different vehicles. LTA has staged out the installation exercise, starting with a group of early adopters since August 2023. I am one of them. About 2% or 18,000 vehicles out of almost one million vehicles in Singapore have installed the OBU. Of these, around 11,000 are fleet vehicles, including buses and company-registered vehicles. This phased approach gives the workshops time to prepare their workers and progressively ramp up their resources. It also allows LTA to take in feedback from stakeholders and understand the areas for improvement, before extending to other vehicles. Sir, based on feedback gathered from the early adopters, LTA has reviewed and made several improvements to the ERP 2.0 features and installation process to provide motorists with enhanced choice, convenience and safety. First, on enhancing choice. Before installing the OBU, vehicle owners will be given the option to decide if they want to install the touch-screen display. Some may choose to have the touch-screen display, while others may prefer to use their in-vehicle display or their mobile phones. Our recommendation is to install the touch-screen display, I have done so for my car, but this is a choice for the vehicle owner to make. The vehicle owner can also choose where to place the touch-screen display subject to technical feasibility, for example, on the driver side or in the middle of the dashboard. If a vehicle owner decides not to install the touch-screen display, a unit of the display will still be given to him, so that he has the option to install it subsequently if he changes his mind. Likewise, the vehicle owner can decide where to place the processing unit. For the initial phase of installation, LTA only allowed the processing unit to be installed on the passenger side. Taking on board feedback from the early adopters, LTA has expanded the option for vehicle owners to install the processing unit on the driver side if they wish to do so, subject to technical feasibility. Service ambassadors will also be present at the showrooms and workshops to explain the options to vehicle owners before OBU installation. By providing more choices, the process becomes more complex and the workshops will require more time to complete the installation. However, we think the trade-off is necessary, to allow vehicle owners to have the flexibility to customise their preferred options and not have a “one-size-fits-all” approach. Second, enhancing user convenience. We understand the concerns from early adopters on the inconvenience of having to remove and reinsert the CEPAS (Specification for Contactless e-Purse Application) card in the processing unit. LTA has worked with its partners to improve the ERP 2.0 system, so that motorists do not need to remove their CEPAS card from the processing unit when they are driving the vehicle. This is a key design feature of the OBU. You do not need to remove the CEPAS card from the processing unit when you are driving the vehicle. For example, LTA has implemented a button on the touch-screen display to deactivate the card when motorists want to use their complimentary parking tickets. They can press the button on the touch-screen display. The card will be deactivated and they can then use their complimentary ticket to exit the carpark. If the motorist forgets to reactivate the card after leaving the carpark, the correct amount will still be deducted from the card balance when he reaches the next active ERP gantry. This is unlike the current in-vehicle unit (IU). If the motorist pulls out the card from the IU to use his complimentary parking ticket and forgets to re-insert it – it happens to us sometimes – he will not be able to make ERP payment when his vehicle passes through an active ERP gantry. Another scenario is the topping-up of the CEPAS card. Today, some of us may reach the carpark gantry only to realise that our balance is low, we must then find a way to exit the queue to top-up the card. Quite inconvenient. With the OBU, your CEPAS card balance will be shown once you start the car. This can help remind motorists to top-up before reaching the gantry. For added convenience, motorists can sign up for auto top-up so they need not manually top up their card when the balance is low. The top-up will be done automatically. LTA will deploy service ambassadors to workshops to guide motorists who wish to sign up for automatic top-up of their CEPAS card when they install the OBU. The third scenario where removal of the CEPAS card may be needed, is at certain carparks which require motorists to tap their cards at carpark terminal stations, as Mr Murali asked. Sir, all public carparks and many privately-owned carparks today already use Electronic Parking System (EPS), which does not require motorists to tap their cards at carpark terminal stations. There are, however, some privately-owned carparks which have yet to implement EPS. We welcome the initiative from NETS to provide a complimentary One Motoring Card for motorists who install the OBU. Motorists can use this additional card at the privately-owned carparks without EPS, without having to remove their CEPAS card from the processing unit. And finally, on enhancing user safety. This is not the main reason for doing ERP 2.0, but the added capabilities provide opportunities for LTA and its partners to offer some features that could help enhance user safety. Early adopters have shared with LTA that they find the notifications for bus lanes, Silver Zones and School Zones useful, as these increase their situational awareness and improve road safety. We are working with partners to expand the list, including with the Traffic Police to include notifications for speed camera zones, with the intent of enhancing road safety by reminding motorists to keep within the speed limits at these locations. It will include not just the fixed cameras, but also red light and mobile cameras used by the Traffic Police to enforce against speeding. LTA will continue to take in feedback from motorists and develop features that can help enhance safety and convenience for motorists. These additional features can be pushed out to motorists “over-the-air”, after the OBUs have been installed. Motorists do not need to bring their vehicles to the workshop for these software upgrades. Mr Speaker, the transition to ERP 2.0 is a major exercise as there are different vehicles with different designs and specifications. We appreciate the feedback from our early adopters, which LTA has taken on board where feasible and made improvements to enhance user choice, user convenience and user safety. LTA will continue to gather feedback from motorists, workshops and dealers to further enhance the user experience for all motorists, as we proceed with the installation exercise. CF丨编辑 HQ丨编审 新加坡国会丨来源 新加坡国会丨图源
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