




(a) 有哪些策略可以确保公立医疗体系医生的高留任率,尤其是那些接受本地培训的医生?

(b) 卫生部如何确保各基本医疗专科和亚专科的人员配备充足,同时兼顾他们的工作与生活平衡?

(c) 随着人口老龄化,是否需要增加从海外招募专科医生,尤其是外科医生,以满足日益增长的服务需求?

王乙康(卫生部长)先生:公立医疗体系的医生,包括专科医生,经常受到私立医疗体系的诱惑。然而,许多人选择在公立医疗体系工作,是因为它的使命、学习和研究机会。因此,我们能够留住所需的人才,近年来公立医疗体系医生的流失率一直保持在 3% 至 5% 左右。






Mr Yip Hon Weng asked the Minister for Health (a) what are the strategies to ensure high retention rates for doctors in the public healthcare system, particularly those who are locally trained; (b) how does the Ministry ensure adequate staffing levels across essential medical specialties and sub-specialties with consideration for their work-life balance; and (c) with an ageing population, whether there is a need to increase recruitment of specialists from overseas, particularly surgeons, to meet the growing demand for their services.

Mr Ong Ye Kung: Public sector doctors, including specialists, are constantly subject to the lure of the private sector. However, many have chosen a career in public sector because of its mission, the learning and research opportunities. As a result, we have been able to retain the talent we need, with the attrition rate of doctors in public healthcare consistent at about 3% to 5% in recent years.

Currently, we have a healthy pipeline of specialists to meet our healthcare needs. However, there are some specialties or disciplines with increased demand due to the evolving care needs of an ageing population, such as Family Medicine Geriatric Medicine, Internal Medicine and Rehabilitation Medicine, and we have progressively increased training numbers in these areas in recent years.

We have worked with our hospitals and Institutes of Higher Learning to expand the local medical school intakes and will also continue to attract back Singaporeans who are trained in these areas overseas, and complement the medical workforce in our hospitals with foreign doctors, where appropriate.


