周凯年先生 (蔡厝港集选区议员):谢谢议长先生。 我感谢部长阁下的回应。同意部长的说法,即这种冒犯性的帖子将所有社区都置于危险之中,包括我们这里的犹太社区。
尚穆根先生:我将结合具体情况来回答。如果是公众发布的帖子,当然,根据不同的立法,我们有多种权力。新加坡有《网络犯罪危害法令》(Online Criminal Harms Act)、《维持宗教和谐法令》(Maintenance of Religious Harmony Act)和《广播法令》(Broadcasting Act)。如果你查看一下不同的法令,根据不同的侵权行为,我们有权阻止访问。根据《维持宗教和谐法令》,甚至有权签发限制令。虽然自该法生效以来我们从未签发过限制令(我想已有将近 30 年了),但这一事实本身就说明了该法是多么有用,也说明了新加坡社会的性质。
Mr Speaker: Mr Zhulkarnain Abdul Rahim.
Mr Zhulkarnain Abdul Rahim (Chua Chu Kang): Thank you, Sir. I thank the hon Minister for the response. I agree with the Minister’s statement that such offensive posts put all communities at risk, including our Jewish community here.
I have two supplementary questions. Firstly, in such conduct of online posts, how can MHA ensure that such postings, if deemed offensive, can be taken down swiftly and urgently, given the sensitive nature of such potential postings? The second supplementary question is how do we ensure, assuming diplomatic immunity in future cases are waived, that due process in open court can be dealt with sensitively, given that it may play out in the court of public opinion and escalates certain tensions or emotions on the ground?
Mr K Shanmugam: Sir, can I just clarify with the Member, maybe I did not hear fully. On the first question, is he referring to posts by any member of public or is he referring to posts by embassies?
Mr Zhulkarnain Abdul Rahim: Specifically, just on embassies. So, specific to embassies’ posts.
Mr K Shanmugam: I will provide an answer with context. If it is by members of the public, of course, we have a variety of powers, under different pieces of legislation. There is the Online Criminal Harms Act, the Maintenance of Religious Harmony Act, the Broadcasting Act. If you look at the different pieces of legislation, depending on what infringements there are, there are powers to block access. There are powers under the Maintenance of Religious Harmony Act to even issue a restraining order. Though the very fact that we have never issued a restraining order since the legislation came into force – I think it is nearly 30 years – shows how useful the legislation has been and also shows the nature of the community we have in Singapore.
But if it is specifically an embassy, the starting point is there would be sovereign immunity. So, you would not be able to, for example, issue directly an order to the embassy to remove a posting on its website. You could look at more general steps, like blocking entire access to the platform, but that would be a very high signature step and I think we need to be careful. In these cases, when an embassy puts up a post, I think the way to handle it is the way we handled it – talk to the embassy.
If they refuse, and I do not want to be going too much into hypotheticals, but for example, if they refuse to take it down, then there are the usual diplomatic steps that one country can take vis-à-vis another country. But you got to assess the nature of the infringement, as it were, and how you calibrate it. It can be calibrated to how you give access or how many people you allow in the embassy to be in Singapore or you ask some to leave, in an extreme case; you have seen those sorts of things happen. Even when they are spying you cannot charge them, let alone when they put up a post.
So, that is part of international law. We will have to act in accordance with international law but within that framework, we will have to see what is possible to do.
On the Member’s second question, Sir, it is, I think, very hypothetical that any embassy would waive diplomatic immunity and allow another country to charge them. It has happened infrequently, but it is extremely hypothetical. What countries will normally say is, “Look, we will deal with the person by sending him back and then deal with him in our own way”. Members may recall the case of Mr Ionescu from Romania. The Romanians charged him after he went back to Romania.
So, if there is a case where immunity is waived, then the short answer to the question, Sir, is that the prosecution can make an assessment as to the nature of the case if it feels that this may stir up anger and create a spectacle with potentially violent consequences. They can always apply for it to be heard in camera, but they have got to show public interest, I think. Short of taking action if the embassy waives immunity, there are other steps that can be taken under various pieces of legislation as well.