在初级护理体系中,参加社保援助计划(CHAS)的新加坡人、建国一代 (PG) 和立国一代(MG)都有资格在精选的纳入社保援助计划的私人全科医生诊所获得心理健康状况(包括抑郁、焦虑、双相和精神分裂症)的补贴。这些诊所同时在慢性疾病管理计划(CDMP)下提供服务,个人还可以使用保健储蓄(MediSave)支付这些全科诊所的慢性疾病管理计划治疗费用。
Mr Yip Hon Weng asked the Minister for Health (a) how will the Government work with the insurance industry to improve coverage for mental healthcare services to ensure patients can access affordable and timely intervention; and (b) whether there are plans to explore alternative financing or subsidy models for mental health care in collaboration with the private sector.
Mr Ong Ye Kung: The answer to part (a) of the question has been addressed in the Circular for Written Answers published on 6 November 2023. [Please refer to “Mental Health Insurance Coverage”, Official Report, 6 November 2023, Vol 95, Issue 115, Written Answers to Questions section.]
The Government does not fund private hospitals to deliver subsidised care for mental health, as Singaporeans can receive subsidies of up to 80% for mental health services at public hospitals and polyclinics. We will continue to expand the capacity of mental health services in the public hospitals and polyclinics.
In the primary care setting, Community Health Assist Scheme (CHAS), Pioneer Generation and Merdeka Generation cardholders are eligible for subsidies for mental health conditions – including depression, anxiety, bipolar and schizophrenia – at selected private CHAS General Practitioner (GP) clinics, under the Chronic Disease Management Programme (CDMP). Individuals may also tap on MediSave to pay for their CDMP treatments at these GP clinics. Today, over 450 GPs in GP clinics are trained to support persons with mental health needs under the Mental Health GP Partnership Programme. We target to make mental health services available at 1,350 Healthier SG GP clinics by 2030.