Dr Syed Harun Alhabsyi (Nominated Member): Thank you, Chairman. I have two clarifications, mainly towards Minister.
The first is regarding MIC@Home. Heartened to see that safety as well as outcomes are comparable as it stands today, but Minister also mentioned that in terms of pricing, it is expected to be the same or less. I am just wondering whether, at least in my mind, should it not be less pricing in absolute terms, given that the care is based now at home and auxiliary services, such as the bed, change in linen, meals, utilities would be much less. I appreciate there are other costs, but I wonder whether the Minister could clarify that.
The second is on the planned increase for COMIT as well as CREST. I would like to ask the Ministry whether they would consider increasing the number in greater proportions, given that the emphasis on mental health will be towards the community. I think a greater increase of COMIT and CREST teams would give some confidence to our GPs on the ground, in terms of dealing with mental health issues in the community.
Mr Ong Ye Kung: I will ask Senior Minister of State to comment on COMIT and CREST. As for MIC@Home, I agree with you. I think even as a policy of pricing, you want to price it at a gradient so that patients get a strong signal. MIC@Home, I pay less; plus I have S+3M, hospital bill will be less. So our public health institutions take this to heart, they understand and I think they are prepared to do so. But I wrote a careful statement that the price will be equal or less, so to give them some room.
Dr Janil Puthucheary: I thank Dr Syed Harun for his question on the CREST and COMIT teams. I agree with the sentiment that we need to make sure that our primary care practitioners and the whole community of community care practitioners is adequately supported. We have not yet achieved the increase that we are planning for, so we are increasing the teams.
What we do not really know is what the behaviour of patients and residents, people who are concerned about mental health behaviour; how that will change over the next 10 to 15 years as we are increasing our CREST and COMIT teams. We have put these plans in place. I think we need to ramp up the support available for the private and public sector practitioners in the community space, increase the number of teams, the capability of the teams that we have. But how that goes and how that matches with health-seeking behaviour, the worried well, the people who need interventions, people who have been in institutional care, who now need to come into the community; these are things that we will be monitoring and watching very closely through the NMHO and working with our partners and then assessing whether we have the right level of support. So I agree with the sentiment, but I think it is a little bit too early to say now what we will be doing in 2030. We get going with our current plans first.
The Chairman: I do not see any more hands. 11 Members raised their clarifications. Your clarifications were concise and so, too, were the responses. So, can I invite Dr Tan if you would like to draw your amendment?
Dr Tan Wu Meng (Jurong): Mr Chairman, I want to thank all who contributed to the COS debate, our MOH leadership and office holders and our Members of Parliament, our Members of Parliament who spoke as well. Deepest thanks to our entire healthcare family as well, our healthcare workers; our sisters and brothers, who care for patients and residents in the community; our public officers, who worked tirelessly behind the scenes looking after Singaporeans, in sickness and in health. Mr Chairman, I beg leave to withdraw my amendment.
Amendment, by leave, withdrawn.
The sum of $17,400,129,600 for Head O ordered to stand part of the Main Estimates.
The sum of $1,374,852,500 for Head O ordered to stand part of the Development Estimates.