(a) 新加坡目前的太阳能发电能力是多少?
颜金勇(副总理兼贸工部长)先生:新加坡有望实现到2030年至少达到2千兆峰瓦 (GWp)的太阳能部署目标。截至2023年底,我们的太阳能装机容量已达到1.17千兆峰瓦峰(GWp)。至于清洁能源行业的劳动力,预计将从 2022 年的 1,500 人增加到 2032 年的至少 2,700 人。
政府已通过各种举措加快太阳能的部署,如 SolarNova 计划(该计划汇总了公共部门对太阳能系统的需求),以及在水库上安装浮动太阳能。目前还没有计划对私人住宅安装太阳能提供补贴。随着时间的推移,太阳能电池板的成本已经降低,目前太阳能的价格普遍低于零售电价。
Mr Desmond Choo asked the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Trade and Industry (a) what is Singapore’s current solar generation capacity; (b) what are the Ministry’s plans to grow the solar industry in Singapore; and (c) whether the Ministry will roll out any initiative to promote the take-up rate for fitting private residential properties with solar panels.
Mr Gan Kim Yong: Singapore is on track to achieving our solar deployment target of at least two Gigawatt-peak (GWp) by 2030. As of end-2023, we have achieved 1.17 GWp of installed solar capacity. As for the clean energy sector workforce, it is projected to grow from 1,500 in 2022 to at least 2,700 workers by 2032.
The Government has accelerated solar deployment through initiatives, such as the SolarNova programme, which aggregates demand for solar systems across the public sector, as well as floating solar on reservoirs. There are no plans to subsidise solar deployment in private residential properties. The cost of solar panels has decreased over time and solar energy is now generally cheaper than retail electricity prices.