以下内容为新加坡眼根据国会英文资料翻译整理: 朱倍庆(淡滨尼集选区议员) 先生询问教育部长: (a) 采取了哪些措施来提高新加坡私立高等教育机构的质量? (b) 这些机构的毕业生是否是补充本地劳动力的良好的外国人力来源? 陈振声(教育部长) 先生:所有注册的私立教育机构(PEIs)都必须遵守 《私立教育法》和《私立教育条例》中规定的基本标准。制定这些标准是为了保障消费者的利益,促进他们在知情的情况下做出决策。 新加坡未来技能发展局(SSG)还实施了教育信托认证计划(EduTrust),以提高行业绩效和机构质量。最新版的《教育信托指导文件》(EduTrust Guidance Document)于2023年8月进行了修订,为学生保护和学术质量等关键领域设定了最低要求。该文件还包括新的要求,即以国家或国际标准为基准来衡量其他成果(如服务质量和运营标准)。 私立教育机构(PEIs)既培训本地学生,也培训外国学生。根据私立教育机构年度报表,私立教育机构全日制本科外部学位课程毕业生中,36%为外国人。2022/2023 年私立教育机构毕业生就业调查(GES)发现,参与调查的外国毕业生,55%找到了全职工作。 应由雇主来评估私立教育机构的外国毕业生是否适合聘用。新加坡未来技能发展局(SSG)的工作重点是通过 “技能创前程”(SkillsFuture)计划,包括最近实施的 “技能创前进阶计划”(SkillsFuture Level-Up Programme),提高本地劳动力的能力和就业能力。 以下是英文质询内容: Mr Desmond Choo asked the Minister for Education (a) what are the measures that have been taken to improve the quality of private education institutes of higher learning in Singapore; and (b) whether graduates of such institutes are a good source of foreign manpower to complement the local workforce. Mr Chan Chun Sing: All registered Private Education Institutions (PEIs) must adhere to baseline standards established in the Private Education Act and Regulations. These standards are in place to safeguard consumer interest and promote informed decision-making. SkillsFuture Singapore (SSG) also implements the EduTrust Certification Scheme (EduTrust) to raise sector performance and institutional quality. The latest version of the EduTrust Guidance Document, last revised in August 2023, sets minimum requirements for critical areas, such as student protection and academic quality. It also includes new requirements to benchmark additional outcomes (e.g. service quality and operational standards) against national or international standards. PEIs train both local and foreign students. Based on the PEI Annual Returns exercise, 36% of full-time Bachelor external degree programme graduates from PEIs were foreigners. The PEI Graduate Employment Survey (GES) 2022/2023 found that 55% of the foreign graduates who responded to the survey found full-time employment. It is for employers to assess if PEI foreign graduates make good hires. SSG’s focus is to enhance the capabilities and employability of our local workforce through SkillsFuture initiatives, including the recently implemented SkillsFuture Level-Up Programme. HQ丨编辑 HQ丨编审 新加坡国会丨来源
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