拉斯瓦娜副教授(官委议员)询问教育部长:(a) 制定了哪些策略来确保大学毕业生具备在现代职场取得成功所必需的关键核心技能?
(b) 教育部如何评估和评估将面向未来的技能(例如批判性思维、解决问题和适应能力等)融入大学课程?
陈振声(教育部长)先生:为了确保我们的毕业生在进入职场时具备必要的关键核心技能和能力,教育部 (MOE) 和高等教育机构 (IHLs) 共同制定了”生活技能框架(LifeSkills Framework)“。”生活技能框架”自 2022 年起实施,以我们学生在小学和中学学习的 21 世纪能力为基础。
“生活技能框架”由10 项关键能力组成,包括好奇心和自主学习能力、自我意识和心理承受能力以及人际交往和协作能力。高等教育机构可以根据学生的需求和情况,通过全校和体验式学习方式,灵活地定制”生活技能“模块。学术课程、课外活动和实习都是培养生活技能能力的平台。
Assoc Prof Razwana Begum Abdul Rahim asked the Minister for Education (a) what strategies are in place to ensure that university graduates are equipped with the critical core skills essential for success in the modern workforce; and (b) how does the Ministry assess and evaluate the integration of future-focused skills, such as critical thinking, problem-solving and adaptability, into university curricula.
Mr Chan Chun Sing: To ensure our graduates are equipped with the necessary critical core skills and competencies as they enter the workforce, the Ministry of Education (MOE) and the Institutes of Higher Learning (IHLs) have jointly developed a LifeSkills framework. Implemented since 2022, the LifeSkills framework builds on the 21st century competencies taught to our students when they are in primary and secondary schools.
The LifeSkills framework consists of 10 key competencies which include curiosity and independent learning, self-awareness and mental resilience, and interpersonal and collaboration skills. IHLs have the flexibility to customise delivery of LifeSkills modules based on their students’ needs and profiles, through a whole-school and experiential learning approach. The academic curriculum, co-curricular activities and internships all serve as platforms for nurturing LifeSkills competencies.
To gauge the effectiveness of the LifeSkills curriculum, IHLs have incorporated students’ Lifeskills proficiencies as part of the internship assessment by employers. Graduates are also asked about how well the IHLs have equipped them with LifeSkills competencies as part of the annual Graduate Employment survey.
MOE and IHLs will continue to ensure that our graduates are prepared for the future of work.