



颜添宝(宏茂桥集选区议员)先生询问交通部长:(a) 陆路交通管理局是否对公共道路上运输超大型和体积庞大物品的车辆有强制规定,以确保其他道路使用者的安全?(b) 过去三年中,有多少运输大型、超长和笨重物品的车辆因交通违法或对公众和道路安全构成危险而被罚款?(c) 交通部是否可以将某些道路,尤其是交通繁忙的道路,禁止这类车辆驶入?

徐芳达(交通部长)先生:在公共道路上运输大型和超大型物品的车辆须遵守《公路交通法令》(Road Traffic Act)及其附属法规。

首先,车辆和拖车上的所有货物都必须妥善固定,以防止货物掉落并对道路使用者造成危险。否则将构成犯罪。2021 年至 2023 年间,有80名司机因此类违法行为被抓。


第三,超过一定尺寸的超大车辆在公共道路上行驶也需要获得陆路交通管理局 (LTA) 的许可。这些超大车辆必须遵守一些条件,例如只能在非高峰时段或天黑后行驶,必须悬挂警告标志,并在适用的情况下确保有辅警护送。


2021 年至 2023 年期间,陆路交通管理局共查获约 3,300车辆,罪名包括未悬挂货物显示红旗、未按规定取得超大型车辆通行证或违反超大型车辆通行许可证条件以及被禁车辆未按要求取得许可证而在快速路上行驶。



Mr Gan Thiam Poh asked the Minister for Transport (a) whether there are conditions mandated by LTA for vehicles transporting very large and bulky items on public roads to ensure the safety of other road users; (b) how many vehicles transporting large, long and bulky items have been fined for traffic offences or posing hazards to the public and road safety in the last three years; and (c) whether the Ministry can consider certain roads, especially those with heavy traffic, to be out of bounds for such vehicles.

Mr Chee Hong Tat: Vehicles transporting large and bulky items on public roads are subject to regulations under the Road Traffic Act and its subsidiary legislations.

First, all loads on vehicles and trailers are required to be properly secured, to prevent the contents from falling out and causing danger to road users. Failure to do so is an offence. Between 2021 and 2023, 80 motorists were caught for such offences.

Second, if the load carried by a vehicle goes beyond the rear of the vehicle by more than 300 millimetres, a clean red flag must be tied to the protruding end of the cargo as a visual warning for other road users.

Third, the movement of oversized vehicles exceeding certain dimensions also requires a permit from the Land Transport Authority (LTA) to travel on public roads. These oversized vehicles are subject to conditions, such as travelling only during non-peak hours or after dark, having to display warning signs and, where applicable, ensuring there is Auxiliary Police escort.

Fourth, Excluded Vehicles, such as low trailers and mobile cranes, are not allowed on expressways unless a permit is obtained from LTA.

Between 2021 and 2023, about 3,300 vehicles were caught by LTA for offences relating to not displaying a red flag for protruding cargo, driving without an Oversized Vehicle Movement permit when required or breaching Oversized Vehicle Movement permit conditions, and Excluded Vehicles driving on expressways without a permit when required.


