徐锦莉( 官委议员)女士询问永续发展与环境部长: (a) 已采取哪些措施来遏制在有遮挡的人行道和连接道吸烟?
(b) 这些措施在 (i) 解决和 (ii) 阻止个人在这些地方再次违法吸烟有何成效?
(c) 是否有计划加强或扩大这些有效措施,以配合政府在全岛修建更多有盖人行道和连接道的计划?
(d) 如果有,这些措施是什么?
傅海燕女士(永续发展与环境部长):为了减少公众接触二手烟的有害影响,国家环境局已逐步将禁烟范围扩大到全岛49,000 多个地方。这其中包括 2013 年纳入禁烟范围的有遮挡的人行道和连接道。
国家环境局(NEA)对禁烟场所的吸烟违法行为进行定期检查和执法。2023 年,国家环境局共发出约 14,700 张在禁烟场所吸烟的罚单,其中 5,000 多张罚单涉及在有遮挡的人行道和连接道吸烟。被发现在禁烟场所吸烟的违法者可能面临200新元的罚款。如果被法庭定罪,违法者可能会被处以最高 1000新元的罚款。
Ms See Jinli Jean asked the Minister for Sustainability and the Environment (a) what measures are in place to curb smoking at covered walkways and linkways; (b) how effective have these measures been in (i) addressing and (ii) deterring individuals from re-offending at these places; (c) whether there are plans to enhance or expand these effective measures in tandem with the Government’s plan to build more covered walkways and linkways islandwide; and (d) if so, what are they.
Ms Grace Fu Hai Yien: To reduce the public’s exposure to the harmful effects of second-hand tobacco smoke, the National Environment Agency (NEA) has progressively extended the smoking prohibition to cover more than 49,000 places islandwide. This includes sheltered walkways and linkways, which came under the smoking prohibition in 2013.
NEA carries out regular inspections and enforces against smoking offences at smoking-prohibited places. In 2023, NEA issued about 14,700 tickets for smoking at prohibited places, of which more than 5,000 were for smoking at sheltered walkways and linkways. Offenders caught smoking in a prohibited place may face a composition sum of $200. If convicted in Court, the offenders may be liable to a fine of up to $1,000.
In 2023, feedback and tickets for smoking at sheltered walkways and linkways decreased by around 25% and 12% respectively, as compared to the pre-COVID-19 period in 2019. This suggests that awareness and enforcement efforts have yielded some positive results. NEA will continue to monitor and enforce against smoking in prohibited places, including at new sheltered walkways and linkways.